4 Common Reasons Why Your Smartphone Battery Dies So Quickly
Regardless of whether you use an android smartphone or an iPhone model, you very well know about the struggles of keeping your device battery running for as long as possible.
But sometimes your smartphone battery power becomes very uncooperative and doesn’t allow you to get through even a day without having to recharge it again.
To explain this better, here are 4 common reasons why your smartphone battery dies on you so quickly.
- Screen Brightness Is Too High:-
A lot of us are guilty of this habit. And although it does make viewing content on your screen way better, the downside to it is, it eats up your phone charge much quicker than you like.
One way to prevent this is to either adjust it to 50% or enable the device to automatically decide the right brightness for your screen as per the surrounding.
Also, if you’ve increased the time it takes to turn off the display even when not in use, that also consumes your battery charge. So, you should think of shortening the time to either 15-seconds or 30-seconds.
- Its Searching For Wi-Fi Networks Constantly:-
If you opt for Wi-Fi network all the time over your cellular data and allow the device to search for possible connection everywhere, then that burns up a lot of your battery power.
So, if you wish to retain your battery charge through the day, then switch off the Wi-Fi network which searches for signals you may not even use if it is password protected.
- Your Apps Are Constantly Busy In the Background:-
This is another common cause why your smartphone cannot retain its battery power for long. If you have a horde of applications updating or refreshing throughout the day, then you should open the settings, see which apps are eating up most of the charge and disable them.
- You’re Overusing Resource Intensive Applications
At times, even adjusting the device settings cannot sort out your charge issue. And believe it or not, you’re to blame. If you are constantly overusing some resource intensive applications, then you unintentionally are draining away your device battery faster than you would like.
Some of those habits are playing video games for long periods or watching movies. Not saying you shouldn’t do it- after all that’s what all these modern day expensive smartphones are for.
However, try not to get addicted to it. Be conscious of what you are doing with your smartphone. It will help you save your phone battery.
Final Words:
While some of these habits you can adopt immediately, there are others- like for example playing video games or watching movies/music videos- which may take time adjusting to.
We humans are after all creatures of habit and although change is necessary, it doesn’t happen overnight. Till then, it is always a smart idea to have a single use/disposal android phone charger with you for emergencies.
So, find a good online supplier and order today. They charge up your phone pretty quickly and give you least 3-4 hours of extra battery life!
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